Rise and Shine! Tips for Productive Mornings While Working from Home

When you’re working at a traditional 9-5, there’s a hard line between “work” and, well, “not work.” As soon as you get to your workplace, your brain knows to switch into work mode and your productivity kicks in.

When you work at home, that line is blurry at best. Many WFHers do their work in the same room that they watch TV and relax or play a game of cards or prepare dinner. How do you get into the right frame of mind and kick into work mode when you’re in a room that used to be a place to unwind at the end of the day?

It all comes down to your morning routine and how you establish a work/not-work line for yourself. Try these handy morning tips.

Productive Mornings Tips

Get Some Outdoor Air

When you go to the office, part of your commute involves stepping outside into the fresh air. You might not be outside for long, but just that breath of fresh air can reset your mind and energize you for the rest of the day. When you work from home, make the great outdoors part of your morning routine. Something as simple as stepping out onto your porch for your first sips of coffee can help you transition from a sleepy morning to a productive workday.

Maintain a Consistent Start Time

Okay, I know flexibility is one of the benefits of working from home in many cases but hear me out. Adjusting your work schedule to your whims works great for some, but for many people, it’s just not helpful for their workflow. If you’re part of that group, try setting specific work hours for yourself so your brain gets into a consistent routine.

Create a Commute

No one likes sitting in traffic (hello, Atlanta), but most people don’t realize how much their commute serves as a transition into and out of the workday until they don’t have a commute anymore. If you miss having that barrier, why not create it for yourself? Leave the house and work somewhere else for the day, like a coffee shop or coworking space. Or check out a coworking meetup near you (wink wink). Especially on days when you’re really struggling with productivity, getting out of the house can help you kick it into high gear.

Start With a Schedule or List

How many times have you sat down at your computer to start your workday and spent the first half-hour just trying to figure out where to begin? It’s a recipe for analysis paralysis. Try to start your day by making a to-do list or a schedule for the day. You don’t have to stick to it perfectly, but it will at least tell you where to start and what to move on to when you finish each task.

Being Your Best Self While Working at Home

Working remotely offers the flexibility for nearly anyone to find their perfect work environment and do their best work. It can take some trial and error to figure out what that is for you, though. The tips above are a handy way to start. To dig deeper into the WFH world and get involved in a community of like-working ladies, look for a Ladies Work Remote chapter near you (or start your own!).

Nikki Wisherproductivity