Our Story


Building a Community

Liz Shinn founded the coworking organization Ladies Work Remote in 2017 in Washington, DC. Liz is a graphic designer and had recently moved to DC. She was working from home and felt isolated since her coworkers were distributed all across the United States. She was looking for more in-person work community.

Liz often worked in coffee shops, so she scheduled the first group coworking session on Meetup.com. Meetup is a platform for organizing events to meet new people in your community. Her mission was to ensure that women who worked remotely in DC had a place to connect with other remote women. She scheduled weekly coworking sessions in coffee shops, libraries, and coworking spaces, and the Ladies Work Remote coworking community began to grow.


From DC to ATL

Liz lived in DC for a while after starting the first chapter of Ladies Work Remote. When she moved back to her hometown of Atlanta, she missed the community that she left behind in DC. Thus, the second chapter of LWR (Ladies Work Remote) was born when she started the Atlanta chapter in January of 2018. Fellow LWR members Debbie, Danielle, and Christina continued organizing the DC chapter, and Ladies Work Remote grew to 2 states.

Our mission is to connect women who work from home with other remote women in their city.

Expanding to Other New Cities

In 2019, Danielle Marshall founded a new Ladies Work Remote chapter in Louisville, Kentucky after being an early member of the Atlanta chapter of Ladies Work Remote. Late 2019 also brought the addition of two more new chapters organized by Ally Dorst and Chloe Arielle. Ally helms the Ladies Work Remote chapter in Nashville and Chloe runs our chapter in Detroit.


introducing virtual coworking

In early 2020, Ladies Work Remote went on hiatus for several months for the safety of all of its members due to COVID-19. No chapters scheduled in-person coworking sessions, but many chapters began to host virtual events such as Zoom happy hours, online crafting nights, and virtual coworking. The main Ladies Work Remote organization hosted several virtual webinars, which you can view recordings of here!

The following years until 2023 have brought more virtual events, webinars and virtual coworking sessions. We also welcomed (and said goodbye) to a few LWR chapters. Come join us in Huntsville, D.C., Atlanta, or Nashville!


Find a Coworking Chapter

We have chapters in Atlanta, DC, Nashville, and Huntsville. Click below!