Below are some frequently asked questions about Ladies Work Remote. Feel free to contact us if your question isn’t answered here!

How can I join in my city?

Right here, or by clicking on the Join button in the menu.

Who can join?

Anyone! Ladies Work Remote get-togethers are welcome for anyone. For more details about our code of conduct, check it out here.

Are there costs associated with joining?

Nope! Membership in Ladies Work Remote is completely free.

I have venue and coffee shop suggestions. How do I share?

We love new suggestions. Tell us about them on Instagram and we will direct them to the appropriate organizer in your city.

What makes a good Meetup Location?

We’re glad you asked. In our expert opinion, a place near public transportation (if you’re in a big city), or near free or ample parking. Also, your venue of choice should have food, ample seating, power outlets and strong wi-fi. According to internal surveys of our membership, meetup locations need reliable wifi, power outlets, and tables and chairs are also a must. Our members also strongly prefer a place at a convenient location with natural light.

Is it OK to have outdoor meetups?

That’s a great idea for a beautiful day. Just be sure to give your attendees a heads up so they can plan accordingly. 

Is it difficult to host a chapter? What’s the time commitment?

Not at all. We will assist you in setup and launch of your chapter and provide you with best practices. As an organizer, you’re expected to select locations and schedule meetups on Eventbrite and attend the meetup for the duration. If you have a co-organizer, you can easily split the duties!

Is Ladies Work Remote open to partnerships with other women-led groups?

Of course! Head to our contact page.

Hmm… I didn’t find the answer to my question. Who can help me?

Have no fear, click here.