Mental Health Benefits of Coworking

It’s safe to say that the COVID-19 pandemic made all of us a bit more aware of our mental health. After all, upending your life and isolating yourself from social gatherings and basic errands tends to get you stuck in a rut.

Many of us who have been working from home since before the pandemic went through that same rut when we first started working remotely. I’ll be the first to admit that in my first weeks of working from home, I got so used to my home environment that I started feeling anxiety every time I walked out the door.

There are many ways to take better care of your mental health, and coworking is one of them. In fact, trading in your sweats for jeans and stepping out to a coworking session can have several benefits for your mental health.

Mental Health for Remote Work

1. Getting Some Social Time

Humans are social creatures – some more than others, but to some degree, we all need a bit of gab time every so often. The minor social interactions of basic necessities, like picking up your lunch to go or grabbing a few things from the convenience store, just don’t cut it.

When you’re coworking, the simple time you spend having a few side chats while you work can be surprisingly refreshing and mood-brightening.

2. Breaking Out of Your Rut

Routines are great. They can make you productive and organized. But sometimes a routine crosses the line and becomes a rut – instead of making you efficient, it makes you feel dull and dreary.

Coworking is a great way to break out of that rut and mix things up. You get yourself put together, get out of the house, take in some fresh air, and put yourself in a new environment. “A change is as good as a rest,” they always say!

3. Support from People with Similar Circumstances

In so many ways, working from home is fantastic. It can give you more control over your time and your environment, and we all love taking our commute down to nothing. But it comes with its challenges, too, and those challenges are usually hard for people in traditional work environments to understand. Even people who worked from home temporarily during the pandemic might not realize what it’s like to work from home indefinitely.

In a coworking group, everyone’s working remotely so we understand what you’re going through. Many of us have gone through several stages in our journeys of remote work, so chances are that if you’re at a coworking meetup, someone in the crew has felt the same way you’re feeling right now. Having a group of people who relate to you and who you can talk to is incredibly beneficial to your mental health.

The Self-Care of Coworking

Self-care has become a common topic of discussion over the past couple of years because it’s become so much more important since the pandemic began…and because it’s much too rare in our chaotic and busy world. If you find yourself needing a group of supportive, positive women who get you, look no further! Check out our upcoming coworking meetups in your city.

Nikki Wisherhealth