A Day in the Life of a Remote Worker: Freelance Writer

If there’s one thing that our Ladies Work Remote crew knows, it’s that remote work can look very different from one person to the next. In fact, that’s the beauty of it: you can customize your surroundings and your workday to fit your flow.

Are you flirting with the idea of going remote and curious about what it would be like to work remotely? Maybe you already work remotely but you’re curious how others structure their days? In any case, you’re in luck with our latest blog series, where we’ll be profiling a day in the life of one remote worker at a time, all in different industries and jobs. And to kick it off, I’m opening the door and welcoming you into my own day as a freelance writer.

A Day in the Life of a Freelance Writer

I typically start my day with an early morning workout, with running as my favorite flavor. This morning, it was a 7am run in the park. When I get home, I get cleaned up and ready for the day (including firing up the all-important coffeemaker, of course). Then the fun begins!

The morning is the time of day when I’m the most focused, so I usually launch right into my most challenging or focus-depending project of the day. This morning, it happened to be a skin care blog. I’m fortunate enough to have clients that span a wide variety of industries and topics, so on any given day, my morning could start off with an article about a piece of software, a photography blog, or a script for a video course.

After a few hours of churning out those words, it’s time for a lunch break. Depending on my workload for the day, I might grab lunch at home or pick up lunch to-go nearby with the hubby, or on a busy day, I might head to a neighborhood restaurant with solid wi-fi for a working lunch.

In the afternoon, it’s back to the computer to write a few more pieces. Today, my afternoon happened to include another blog about skin care, a resume, and this riveting piece about my day as a remote worker (wink).

I tend to have a harder time focusing in the afternoon, especially if I’m at home, so I often spend the middle part of the afternoon working from somewhere else to get away from distractions and refresh my surroundings. I’m fortunate to have several fantastic coffee shops that are a short walk away, but I’ve also been known to work on my balcony or rooftop too, or even to hit up a Ladies Work Remote meetup (double wink).

I always save my least mentally taxing tasks for the end of the day because, by around 4:30 or 5, my focus is tapped out. I spend the last hour or two on minor fulfillment work like making edits, responding to emails, or knocking out administrative tasks like invoicing or sending out contracts. Finally, I always finish my day by making a prioritized to-do list for the next day, so that when tomorrow arrives, I can jump right into the first project.

I generally aim to finish working by 6 or 6:30pm, just in time for dinner, so I can spend my evening taking care of tasks around the house, catching up on whatever show I’m obsessed with at the moment, or grabbing a drink with friends.

And there you have it, folks: a small taste of what it’s like to be a freelance writer. Does it sound like something you’d enjoy?

If you’d like to get to know our crew of remote workers a bit better, find a coworking meetup near you today.